“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19
As our group made camp for the night, we were careful about how we pitched our tents, knowing that the weather forecast was for high winds and thunderstorms. The spots we chose could be the difference between staying sheltered through the storm and wrestling with a collapsed or flooded tent in the middle of the night.
We made sure to anchor our tents into the ground for stability. It’s tempting to not do this after a long day of hiking and navigating; it feels like a measure you could skip when you simply want to lay down and rest.
As believers, it can be easy to not do the spiritual exercise of digging deep into God’s Word which keeps us rooted in truth on a daily basis. The true test of an anchor is when strong elements come against it and threaten to remove it. Similarly, it will be the trials and sufferings of life that will show the type of “anchor” we have.
When 40 mph winds came through the campsite that night, we were thankful our tents were staked in deep. Set yourself deep in your anchor, Jesus, and His Word.
Insight: Ask God to give you a desire to read the Bible every day. That’s a prayer He loves to answer!